tasheel services

What you mean by Tasheel?
Tas’heel, is an online government system, which covers the full spectrum of Ministry of Labor application processes and related services. The system aims to provide companies as well as individuals with premium Government relationship management solutions. The system provides various transactions or services. For labor card, MoHRE related inquiries and services, Tas’heel is always reliable.
Different services offered in Tas’heel includes
Receiving new labor card
Mission labor card applications
Receive modify or lost labor card applications
National new labor card application
Sponsor transfer
Company employee list service
Expired labor card list
Inquiries for pending government transaction list
For opening new establishment
Updating existing establishment
Add/modify Owner/PRO
E-signature card requests
Cancelled Establishment card activation
These are some of the major services offered by Tas’heel
Why choose Fimkin over Tas’heel?
Fimkin provides the best and reliable PRO service in the UAE. Fimkin works together with Tas’heel services and offer a wide support for those applicants who face issues with Labor or other department services. We provide you the accurate updates regarding the applications.